Published: 29-03-2024

Original article

Platelet-rich fibrin and calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA): the perfect combination to accelerate, potentiate, and extend skin rejuvenation

Julián Hernández, Natalia Ruiz Polania, Andreina Martinez Amado, Sebastian Campuzano
Abstract 219 | PDF Downloads 928

Page e2024007

Study of the effect of the combined drug PN and HA on the regeneration of collagen fibers of the skin in an experiment

Mykhailo Yudin, Anna Reznik , Vita Yevgenievna Andrusyak , Irina Mikhailovna Savitskaya
Abstract 110 | PDF Downloads 144

Page e2024006

Skin-toned tattoo ink: what should one expect in terms of ink darkening and removal when treated with a 755 nm pico-second laser?

Candice Menozzi-Smarrito, Stéphane Smarrito
Abstract 104 | PDF Downloads 141

Page e2024004


The role of a polycaprolactone stimulator in the facial rejuvenation process

Ana Lorena Gonzalez-Botello
Abstract 139 | PDF Downloads 220

Page e2024003


Granulomatous reaction to hyaluronic acid dermal filler: clinical and histological features

Vittorio Agosti, Giorgia Stefanini
Abstract 117 | PDF Downloads 155

Page e2024002

Case Report

The essential role of Aesthetic Medicine in facial paralysis: combination of techniques

Ricardo Moutinho-Guilherme, López Juan
Abstract 117 | PDF Downloads 169

Page e2024005

Letter to Editor

Aesthetic Medicine: towards defining its own clinical role and necessary discipline

Emanuele Bartoletti, Giorgia Viola Lacasella, Karidia Karaboue, Loredana Cavalieri
Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 129

Page e2024008