Published: 13-09-2023
Disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis under anti-fibrotic treatment
Abstract 672 | PDF Downloads 643Page e2023034
Pulmonary fibrosis in sarcoidosis
Abstract 1195 | PDF Downloads 934Page e2023027
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Test-retest repeatability for Fatigue Assessment Scale, Short-Form 6-Dimension and King’s Sarcoidosis Questionnaire in people with sarcoidosis associated fatigue.
Abstract 487 | PDF Downloads 399Page e2023041
Altered microRNA expression in patients with sarcoidosis
Abstract 463 | PDF Downloads 411Page e2023037
Pulmonary vasculitis in Behçet’s disease: reference atlas computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) findings and risk assessment-management proposal
Abstract 611 | PDF Downloads 500Page e2023026
Sarcoidosis and burn pit exposure in military deployers to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Southwest Asia
Abstract 585 | PDF Downloads 451Page e2023035
A single-center rheumatology experience of sarcoidosis: observations from 70 patients
Abstract 510 | PDF Downloads 452Page e2023033
Diagnostic and therapeutic practices of cardiac sarcoidosis in the United States: a nationwide questionnaire based study
Abstract 560 | PDF Downloads 485Page e2023032
Diagnostic value of elevated serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and lymphopenia in patients with granulomatous hepatitis
Abstract 494 | PDF Downloads 377Page e2023031
Risk factors for the development of interstitial lung disease following severe COVID-19 pneumonia and outcomes of systemic corticosteroid therapy: 3-month follow-up
Abstract 676 | PDF Downloads 453Page e2023029
The role of systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) in the differential diagnosis of granulomatous and reactive LAP diagnosed by endobronchial ultrasonography
Abstract 453 | PDF Downloads 424Page e2023038
Elderly-onset pulmonary sarcoidosis: A radiological approach to diagnosis
Abstract 504 | PDF Downloads 412Page e2023028
Original Articles: Laboratory Research
Protective efficacy of pirfenidone in rats with pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin
Abstract 611 | PDF Downloads 513Page e2023036
Case Reports
Bleomycin and perioperative care: a case report
Abstract 770 | PDF Downloads 529Page e2023030
Life threating onset of Cardiac Sarcoidosis with mediastinal involvement
Abstract 557 | PDF Downloads 422Page e2023042
In memory
In Memory of Professor Takateru Izumi
Abstract 362 | PDF Downloads 322Page e2023025