Published: 20-12-2023


Images in Sarcoidosis: new section of our Journal

Robert P. Baughman, Antonella Caminati, Claudia Ravaglia, Luca Richeldi, Paola Rottoli, Sara Tomassetti, Carlo Vancheri
Abstract 644 | PDF Downloads 410

Page e2023047


D. Geraint James Lecture: The sarcoidosis saga: what insights from the past will guide us in the future

Robert P. Baughman, Elyse Lower
Abstract 550 | PDF Downloads 426

Page e2023057

Original Articles: Clinical Research

The clinical, functional, and radiological effect of long-term used immunosuppressive therapy for post-COVID-19 interstitial lung disease

Sule Gul, Barış Demirkol, Ramazan Eren, Kursad Nuri Baydili, Burcu Babaoğlu Elkhatroushi, Şerife Nur Ulusan, Umut İlhan, Mustafa Çörtük, Erdoğan Çetinkaya
Abstract 579 | PDF Downloads 480

Page e2023049

Incidence, clinical features, management and outcomes of ANCA-associated vasculitis in pregnancy- a systematic literature review

Apurva Ashok, Laura Russell, Mrinalini Dey, Koushan Kouranloo
Abstract 651 | PDF Downloads 602

Page e2023040

Can TERT rs2853669 polymorphysm indicate fibrosis in sarcoidosis?

Sümeyye Kement, Eda Turgut Ugurtay, Aslı Tanrıvermis Sayıt, Pınar Tascı, Meftun Unsal
Abstract 472 | PDF Downloads 432

Page e2023043

Radiological predictive remission factors of pulmonary involvement in systemic sarcoidosis: a computed tomography scan study

Melek Kechida, Mabrouk Abdelali, Rym Mesfar, Imene Chaabene, Rim Klii, Sonia Hammami, Syrine Daadaa, Mezri Maatouk, Jamel Saad, Ahmed Zrig, Ines Khochtali
Abstract 412 | PDF Downloads 331

Page e2023053

Prognosis of sarcoidosis and factors affecting prognosis

Bilge Bilgin, Mehmet Kursat Bilgin, Serhat Erol, Gokhan Celik, Ozlem Ozdemir Kumbasar
Abstract 551 | PDF Downloads 479

Page e2023054

Outcomes in patients with sarcoidosis and COVID-19

Owais Nadeem, Amreeta Sharma, Diana Alaouie, Patrick Bradley, Dan Ouellette, Raef Fadel, Geehan Suleyman
Abstract 612 | PDF Downloads 425

Page e2023055

Case Reports

An unusual case of sarcoidosis presenting as calf pain

Nayan Patel Sureja, Meenakshi Swain, Santhi Bhushan Murari, Power Ravuri
Abstract 405 | PDF Downloads 366

Page e2023056

A rare case of sarcoid myelitis complicating Löfgren's syndrome

Katrine Kristensen, Janne Møller, Astrid Juhl Terkelsen, Thomas Harbo, Lars Christian Gormsen, Ib Tønder Hansen, Elisabeth Bendstrup
Abstract 371 | PDF Downloads 326

Page e2023052

Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax under nintedanib treatment in ınterstitial lung disease associated with systemic sclerosis

Soner Şenel, Tuğba kahraman Denizhan, Melih Kızıltepe, Emel Oğuz Kökoğlu, Nuri Tutar
Abstract 524 | PDF Downloads 415

Page e2023044

Quadruple overlapping autoimmune diseases manifested as sarcoidosis with mediastinal lymphadenopathy: a case report

Mengjie Li, Huan Wang, Cuiping Li, Linming Su, Jian Zhu
Abstract 438 | PDF Downloads 391

Page e2023051

Images in Sarcoidosis

A case of hepatosplenic sarcoidosis accompanied by hypercalcemia

Füsun Fakılı, Nazan Gülhan Bayram, Evren Uzun
Abstract 374 | PDF Downloads 322

Page e2023048

Choroidal Nodules in Ocular Sarcoidosis

Stéphane Abramowicz, Michel Wassef, Sara Touhami
Abstract 393 | PDF Downloads 350

Page e2023039

Letter to Editor

Could patients’ association be considered a strategic resource?

Gianluca Ziosi; Filippo Martone
Abstract 324 | PDF Downloads 264

Page e2023046

Long term nitrofurantoin induced interstitial lung disease: a case series and literature review

Samiha Naureen, Simon Hart, Nadia Jawad, Nuala Kennan, Shoaib Faruqi
Abstract 643 | PDF Downloads 513

Page e2023050