About the Journal

Medicina Historica. Studies in History, Paleopathology, Bioethics and Anthropology of Health started in 1910 as Rivista di Storia delle Scienze Mediche e Naturali, and it changed its title in Rivista di Storia della Medicina in 1957. The Journal continues focusing on the History of Medicine field, in all its aspects. Medicina Historica publishes original and significant artic
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Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)

Published: 23-05-2024



Marta Licata
Abstract 48 | PDF Downloads 21

Page e2024001

Original articles: History of Medicine

Cesare Magati (1579-1647) and Flaminio Rota (1555-1611): medical diatribes in the early 17th century

Emanuele Armocida, Nicolò Nicoli Aldini, Gianfranco Natale
Abstract 59 | PDF Downloads 54

Page e2024004

The history of discovery of Interleukin-1: a fundamental cytokine of the innate immune response

Veronica Vivona, Luca Lepore, Giorgia Bilato, Lorenzo Mortara, Andrea De Lerma Barbaro
Abstract 56 | PDF Downloads 97

Page e2024002

Court doctors in Modern Europe: Cesare Macchiati (1629-1675) a doctor travelling with Queen Christina of Sweden

Fabiola Zurlini, Silvia Iorio, Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhjelm
Abstract 39 | PDF Downloads 35

Page e2024011

Original articles: Bioethics

Short report: History of Medicine

A brief history of menstruation

Karidia Karaboue
Abstract 51 | PDF Downloads 37

Page e2024009

Short report: Anthropology

Invertebrate fragments associated with the preserved remains of Santa Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi, Florence, Italy (17th century CE)

Dario Piombino-Mascali, Martin J.R. Hall, Danniella Sherwood, Maxwell V.L. Barclay
Abstract 47 | PDF Downloads 34

Page e2024005

Review articles: History of Medicine

"Secret disease": Tracking syphilis through America

Shawn Phillips
Abstract 330 | PDF Downloads 36

Page e2024007

Letter to Editor: History of Medicine

Biomedical mementos: Ernst von Brücke, founder of Austrian physiology

Lazaros C. Triarhou
Abstract 51 | PDF Downloads 31

Page e2024012

Letter to Editor: Paleopathology

The Study of the Nerviano Lazaretto in the Context of the 17th-Century Plague

Roberta Fusco, Arianna Vanni
Abstract 53 | PDF Downloads 35

Page e2024013

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