Which socio-demographic characteristics impact on the fatigue conditions in nurses: an Italian investigatory study: Characteristics impacting on fatigue

Which socio-demographic characteristics impact on the fatigue conditions in nurses: an Italian investigatory study

Characteristics impacting on fatigue


  • Elsa Vitale a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:8:"ASL Bari";}
  • Roberto Lupo
  • Alessia Lezzi
  • Giovanna Artioli
  • Simone Zacchino
  • Laura Valenzano
  • Luana Conte


Condition, Fatigue, Investigatory Study, Nurse, Sampling Characteristics


Background and aim: Fatigue describes a wholeness feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. To assess which sampling nurses relating characteristics could influence the fatigue condition among nurses. Methods: From May 2020 to September 2021 a cross sectional, multicenter study was conducted among Italian nursing professional orders. An on-line ad hoc questionnaire was spread including sampling characteristics both on socio-demographic and nursing-relating work characteristics. Results: Significant associations were reported between item no.1 and gender (p<0.001) and BMI conditions (p=0.013), as most of the female participants (47%) affirmed to often feel themselves tired when they wake up, despite most of participants were at normal weight (32%). Item no.2 was significantly associated with gender (p=0.009), job role (p=0.039) and shift (p=0.030), as most of females never (31%) or often (31%) were not concentrated in their working tasks and, most of them were registered nurses (never: 41% and often: 35%), despite they were employed also during the night shift (never: 28%; often: 22%). Most of females (p=<0.001) were never slow in their reactions (42%), and they were young nurses (p=0.023). 44% of females declared to make an effort to express clearly themselves (p=0.031). Females reported significant high frequencies (p=0.016) in constant excitant substance assumption, such as caffeine (30%) and high significant percentage of females (p=0.047; 41%) reported the need to sleep during the day. Conclusions: The fatigue will have a strong impact on the quality of life of nursing professionals, compromising their functional abilities, social relationships and their work and family roles.


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How to Cite

Vitale E, Lupo R, Lezzi A, et al. Which socio-demographic characteristics impact on the fatigue conditions in nurses: an Italian investigatory study: Characteristics impacting on fatigue . Acta Biomed. 2023;94(3):e2023175. doi:10.23750/abm.v94i3.14563