Published: 30-06-2023


Original articles

Effect on carrot substitution on nutrition facts, Beta-Carotene, and hedonic characteristic of rabbit meat nugget

Siti Susanti, Aldia Katherinatama, Dyah Ayu Aryani , Diana Nur Afifah, Trilaksana Nugroho, Fahmi Arifan
Abstract 242 | PDF Downloads 235

Page e2023030

Consumers' willingness to pay for geographical origin labels: Evidence from the Turkish table olive

Gulay Ozkan, Ismail Bulent Gurbuz
Abstract 241 | PDF Downloads 280

Page e2023022

Evaluation of the relationship between eating behaviour and body mass index in adults

Nazan Erenoglu Son
Abstract 158 | PDF Downloads 184

Page e2023006

Can adherence to a Mediterranean diet reduce phobia of COVID-19?

Ezgi Toptaş Bıyıklı, Ali Emrah Bıyıklı, Ceren Şarahman Kahraman, Semra Alkan Türkuçar
Abstract 139 | PDF Downloads 173

Page e2023026

The diet problem, a mathematical approach

Lucio Cadeddu, Mariangela Meles
Abstract 530 | PDF Downloads 300

Page e2023025

Focus on

When nutrition becomes artificial: A bioethical issue

Michele Karaboue, Michele Massaro, karidia karaboue
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 141

Page e2023033

Artificial nutrition and hydration: Bioethical and biolegal profiles

Michele Antonio Ahmed Karaboue, Michele Massaro, Giorgia Lacasella
Abstract 95 | PDF Downloads 131

Page e2023034
