Published: 14-12-2020


Tailored prevention in occupational and environmental health

Antonio Mutti
Abstract 545 | PDF Downloads 210

Page 423-424

Advances in Occupational Medicine Research

Personalised Medicine: implication and perspectives in the field of occupational health

Valentina Bollati, Luca Ferrari, Veruscka Leso, Ivo Iavicoli
Abstract 887 | PDF Downloads 495

Page 425-444

Original articles

Attitudes towards influenza vaccine and a potential COVID-19 vaccine in Italy and differences across occupational groups, September 2020

Carlo La Vecchia, Eva Negri, Gianfranco Alicandro, Vilma Scarpino
Abstract 2142 | PDF Downloads 1166

Page 445-448

Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage and barriers among healthcare workers in an Egyptian Province

Amani Waheed, Youssef Waheeb, Adel Hassan, Ayman Fahim
Abstract 588 | PDF Downloads 392

Page 449-456

Job preservation by an office worker with idiopathic cervical dystonia: case report

Alessia Gallozzi, Monica Panigazzi, Fabrizio Scafa, Edda Maria Capodaglio, Stefano Massimo Candura
Abstract 566 | PDF Downloads 261

Page 457-462

Women and men, authors and victims of workplace bullying in Italy: a literature review

Liliana Dassisti, Angela Stufano, Piero Lovreglio, Luigi Vimercati, Pasqua Loconsole, Ignazio Grattagliano
Abstract 922 | Suppl table (Italian) Downloads 159 PDF (Italian) Downloads 134

Page 463-477

Job crafting and well-being at work: an exploratory analysis during health emergency period

Fulvio Signore , Claudio Giovanni Cortese, Sara Parisi, Vincenzo Russo, Margherita Zito, Emanuela Ingusci
Abstract 896 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 236

Page 478-492

Relationship between work fatigue and manual dexterity in dental professionals: observational study

Francesco Sartorio, Giorgio Ferriero, Stefano Corna, Francesca Dal Negro, Mario DeAngeli, Andrea Cudazzo, Stefano Vercelli
Abstract 577 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 168

Page 493-502

Letters to the Editor

Comment on Barbieri et al. Pleural plaques and lung asbestos burden.

Pietro Sartorelli
Abstract 238 | PDF Downloads 147

Page 503-504

Response to the “Comment on Barbieri et al. Pleural plaques and lung asbestos burden”

Pietro Gino Barbieri
Abstract 207 | PDF Downloads 112

Page 503-504