Examining the Effect of Sleep Hygiene Education Given to Nursing Students on Sleep Quality

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Çiğdem Müge Haylı
Seockhoon Chung
Mehmet Zeki Avcı
Dilek Demir Kösem


Nursing Students, Sleep, Quality, Sleep Hygiene Education


Background: The study aimed to ascertain the effect of sleep hygiene training on nursing students’ sleep quality. Methods: The research study group consisted of 80 nursing students studying in the nursing department. A quasi-experimental model with a pretest-posttest control group was used. Sleep hygiene training was given to nursing students in the experimental group. The sociodemographic data form for nurse students and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used to collect data. The t-test for independent groups was used to compare the PSQI pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups, and the dependent group t-test was used to compare the PSQI pre-test and post-test scores within groups. Results: There was a difference in the sleep-related data of the nursing students in the experimental and control groups and between the PSQI pretest and posttest score averages according to the groups. No significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores was observed in the control group for subjective sleep quality, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, and daytime dysfunction. Conclusions: Sleep hygiene education helps nursing students develop regular sleep behaviors.

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