Published: 15-02-2017


Occupational Medicine in Italian Academy: what future?

Pietro Apostoli
Abstract 280 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 55

Page 3-9

Original articles

Delphi consensus on the monitoring tools of main individual risk factors for chronic diseases by the company doctor

Marco Cremaschini, Roberto Moretti, Marinella Valoti, Giorgio Barbaglio, Mariangela Arnoldi, Flavia Bigoni, Elena Guaschi, Federico Merisi, Pierluigi Passera, Angelo Rebba, Marino Signori, Maurizio Tomio, Alberto Baldasseroni, Paolo Carrer, Giovanni Costa, Luigi Dal Cason, Azelio De Santa, Umberto Gelatti, Claudio Gili, Andrea Magrini, Giuseppe Masanotti, Giampietro Mosconi, Giantommaso Pagliaro, Ernesto Ramistella, Maurizio Ronchin, Luciano Riboldi, Pietro Sartorelli, Emanuele Scafato, Antonello Serra, Biagio Tinghino, Pasquale Valente, Maria Rosa Valetto, Luisella Vigna
Abstract 375 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 45

Page 24-32

Quality check of safety data sheets for plant protection product co-formulants: hazard classification and coherence of the information

Valerio Di Mare, Gaetano Garramone, Maristella Rubbiani, Angelo Moretto
Abstract 259 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27

Page 33-41

Primary Health Care and Occupational Health. Results from a survey on general practitioners of the Province of Monza and Brianza

Michele Augusto Riva, Michael Belingheri, Elisabetta Castiglioni, Chiara Bonazzi
Abstract 304 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 51 Questionario (Italian) Downloads 27

Page 42-51

Prevalence of alcohol abuse among workers in Italy

Francesco Venturelli, Andrea Poscia, Giuliano Carrozzi, Letizia Sampaolo, Annalisa Bargellini, Walter Ricciardi, Nicola Magnavita
Abstract 486 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 65

Page 52-63


Epigenetics applied to epidemiology: investigating environmental factors and lifestyle influence on human health

Valeria Motta, Matteo Bonzini, Lotte Grevendonk, Simona Iodice, Valentina Bollati
Abstract 487 | PDF Downloads 276

Page 10-23

Case report

Occupational asthma due to chamomile: case report

Silvano Cerri, Ferruccio Bernabeo, Eleonora Valsecchi, Giovanni Chiappino
Abstract 479 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 67

Page 64-68


Letters to the Editors

Una riflessione sulla scelta dei Medici Competenti

Filippo Cassano
Abstract 138 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 20

Page 79

Acknowledgement to Scientific Reviewers

Scientific Reviewers 2016

La Redazione
Abstract 80 | PDF Downloads 80

Page 80-82


Indice Volume 107 - 2016

La Redazione
Abstract 121 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 195