Potential therapeutic effects of alpha lipoic acid in memory disorders

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Leonardo Triggiani


alpha lipoic acid, ALA, memory disorders


With ageing, biological processes promote a gradual loss of the ability to maintain homeostasis,
leading to a progressive deterioration in the body’s biochemical and physiological functions, thereby increasing
susceptibility to disease. ALA, a low-molecular-weight dithiol with a chiral centre, is a dietary supplement
thought to have potential therapeutic effects for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative
diseases. In addition, treatment with ALA is able to regulate inflammatory cell infiltration into the central
nervous system and to down-regulate VCAM-1 and human monocyte adhesion to epithelial cells. In neurodegenerative
disease models, treatment with ALA is able to improve the function of the dopamine, serotonin
and norepinephrine neurotransmitters. Scientific evidence shows that ALA possesses the ability to improve
memory capacity in a number of experimental neurodegenerative disease models and in age-related cognitive
decline in rodents. Studies have shown that this substance is able to reduce memory loss

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